
My consultancy portfolio spans almost as far back as my theatre producing and has always run alongside other work, which is one of my strengths – my perspective for supporting clients and their work is rooted in projects I have managed, created, produced and directed, as well as a wider sector knowledge.  

One of my specialisms is working with boards of trustees and directors, to strengthen governance, working relationships with staff and optimise the voluntary time given by charity trustees. I have worked with clients from the beginning – forming a charity, recruiting and inducting a board – to work with established boards who may need a refresh, new perspectives or to bring new trustees up to speed. Having both served on a number of boards and reported to boards in the course of my employed roles, I am able to bring both perspectives to this work.

I particularly enjoy facilitation of Awaydays involving board and staff, where the organisation makes space and time to revisit mission, purpose, strategic plans and futureproofing: looking at subjects such as building resilience, restructuring, succession strategies and other major changes.

Recent clients include: Keighley Creative, Pyramid of Arts, Utopia Theatre, Displace Yourself Theatre, Theatre Company Blah Blah Blah, Brickbox and Bradford Producing Hub.

Mentoring and Training

I also offer mentoring services to individuals, both independent and in senior arts management posts. I have a wealth of experience to bring to the support of mentees including having been a Clore Leadership Fellow (2005-7), Director of Arts & Business Yorkshire (2001-7), Creative Programmer for London 2012 (2007-2012) Executive Director of Unlimited Theatre (2016-2019) and Chair of Red Ladder (2014-2021), as well as many projects, productions, programmes and theatre adventures!

I offer training in a limited range of subjects including:

  • Board development
  • Producer training for emerging or apprentice producers
  • Scenario Planning and Strategic Decision making for the arts
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