The Hope Generator
A walking-talking-thinking-doing project produced in 2015 in association with The Institute for Crazy Dancing
What kind of world do you want to live in?
What is the territory of human connection?
How do we keep caring?
How do we generate hope?
To explore these questions, we began our journey in Chapeltown, Leeds, led by local artists Jason Hird, Vanessa Grasse, Pauline Mayers and Zoe Parker. They’d been getting to know Chapeltown, its people and places, listening, talking and collaborating, to create a compelling and entertaining ‘walk’ through and for Chapeltown.
Along the way, the walking group encountered various surprises, used all their senses to heighten their embodied awareness and expand their knowledge of Chapeltown and ask themselves questions about what they’d seen, how they moved through the environment and where they were heading.
Guided walks were free and took place three time a day on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October 2015.
Everything is recommended, nothing is compulsory. It is about connection to place and each other…